About The Site

It has taken almost twenty years since I commenced the research to write Phil’s story. And what a story! The Parnell band’s minor riot, Billie Holiday at the Royal Albert Hall, West Side Story’s ‘Dinner is Served’ episode, Phil being stopped from going to America, the start of European Free Form jazz, thirty of his drum exercises are all included, and LOTS more. It’s nearly fifty years since Phil died and you finally have the definitive biography. Welcome to the life of Britain’s greatest jazz drummer.
I decided to Self-Publish Phil’s autobiography and the books first edition is 500 hardback copies. It can only be purchased direct from the author and how to do this is on the Book section of this site.
I have made available for download over one hundred recordings that Phil played on that can be viewed on the ‘Phil’s Music’ section of this site. You can listen to him playing as you read his Story. More recordings will be added, some of which have not previously been issued.
There is also a section containing over twenty other rare ‘British Modern Jazz’ recordings available for download. It is intended to progressively add to this section.
I have a large collection of early British Traditional Jazz, particularly by Ken Colyer that includes recordings that have not previously been issued. These will be made available on a separate download section in the future.
There are also plans to release on Limited Edition Vinyl unissued recordings that Phil Seamen and Tubby Hayes played on, together with other club sessions.