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Enregistré les 23/10/53, 27.10.53 & 3/11/53
Jo Hunter (tpt); Kenny Graham, Joe Temperley, Eddie Mordue (clarinette 'Mango Walk'),
Norman Fantham (ts); Don Honerwell (barre); Aneth Jones (p); Roy Plummer (gt); Samy Stokes
(b); Phil Seamen (d); Donaldo (bgo); Judy Johnson (mcas, voix 'Tempo Medio Lento')

Afro cubistes de Kenny Graham - 'Caribbean Suite'

Kenny Graham, Phil Seamen, Joe Hunter, Joe Temperley, Dill Jones, Sammy Stokes


Downloads include choice of MP3, WAV, or FLAC

Enregistré les 23/10/53, 27.10.53 & 3/11/53
Jo Hunter (tpt); Kenny Graham, Joe Temperley, Eddie Mordue (clarinette 'Mango Walk'),
Norman Fantham (ts); Don Honerwell (barre); Aneth Jones (p); Roy Plummer (gt); Samy Stokes
(b); Phil Seamen (d); Donaldo (bgo); Judy Johnson (mcas, voix 'Tempo Medio Lento')